Virginia Class A Contractor

Design and Build Contract

A design and build contract consists of five separate phases. Turner Tenant Services is here to help you through all five.

First, there is the selection of the Design-Builder. This is the easiest part! Turner Tenant Services brings 55 years of expertise in project management and design and is fully qualified to shepherd your commercial interior design and build contract from drafting table to ribbon-cutting. Call us today – we can provide numerous references to verify our exemplary record of successful design and build contracts.

After selection of your design-build firm comes the pre-construction phase. The groundwork for a successful project is laid right here, and we don’t take that lightly. Here we all get on the same page about your project budget and what you need to get out of your space. Extensive employee interviews feed data to our architects and engineers to design the bones of your commercial interior, while the design team plans the integration of the finishes that match your vision. A survey is commissioned if needed to ensure code compliance and the feasibility in light of topography and weather conditions. Careful attention to detail at this phase prevents costly mistakes down the line. Let’s get this right!

Next comes the architectural design phase. This is where the design-build process really starts to shine. The project architects and the building contractors are on the same team in a way that other construction methods can’t match. At this stage, our team of in-house or subcontracted architects takes the thorough foundation of schedule, budget, preliminary drawings, site feasibility, and project specifications and synthesizes this broad vision into the first detailed sketches and schematics. As your project comes to life on paper, our project team calculates cost estimates at 30%, 60%, and 90% completion, culminating in the delivery of a guaranteed maximum price (GMP), final project schedule, and finished contract drawings.

Now we’re ready to build. At this stage in your design and build contract, the hard part is over. The meticulous planning of the earlier stages pays off with a clear scope of work, rock-solid accountability to a well-defined schedule and budget, and a timely, cost-effective execution of the design-and-build plan.

In the post-construction phase, the finished facility is handed over to you, the client. We perform walk-throughs, supply instructional manuals and videos, and provide documentation and in-person training to key personnel. In this critical final stage, we not only deliver a completed commercial space; we deliver all the tools needed to use it to its maximum potential.

Call us today to learn more about these phases of a design and build contract, and Turner Tenant Services’ expertise with all of them.

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