Are you tired of the same old look around the office? Do you want some renovations that will make the place more suitable for your type of office work? You can count on us to provide you with all your interior construction and office build out needs. We specialize in designing commercial interiors according to the clients’ specifications. Our professional team of contractors is always ready to bring your vision for your commercial space into life.
Turner Tenant Services provides services that cover all bases when it comes to renovation of existing commercial spaces, including re-painting and re-carpeting, carpentry and even hanging your whiteboards around the office among others that promise to remodel your business space so that it is in line with your corporate culture. We offer an office build out that will completely turn the place around.
You budget or size of space should not be a factor when you come to us. We understand all our clients are unique in their own manner and approach them as so. We always look forward to a new project as a fresh challenge that exists for us to conquer. Our pricing for the services we provide is competitive; you won’t miss out on a solution that works for your project.
Our design and build services make your projects much easier to handle.

This is one of the most beneficial aspects of working with us as your choice of office build out partner. You don’t have to get an architect and a contractor and end up having a bloated budget. We will take care of the design work and proceed with the construction bit. This ensures uniformity and eliminates delays which can keep a project running for much longer than it should, thus costing you more.
We are always delighted to hear from new clients, so feel free to contact us through our email or contacts. Our front office people are always ready and willing to fit you into the company schedule.